The members continue to accompany KSV1870 Holding AG and support them with their many years of expertise.  

The Supervisory Board was newly elected at the Annual General Meeting on March 21st. Mag. Roland Wernik, MBA was appointed chairman, Mag. Dr. Reinhold Süßenbacher as deputy chairman and Dr. Valerie Hackl and Ing. Mag. Wolfgang Wahlmüller as members of the Supervisory Board. The team is further supplemented by the two supervisory board members Silvia Hampel and Sonja Barth, who were appointed by the works council. The committee will thus direct the fortunes of the holding company for the next four years.

The members are renowned business experts from various industries: Mag. Dr. Roland Wernik, MBA is managing director of Salzburg Wohnbau GmbH, and at the same time president of the Credit Protection Association of 1870. Dr. Reinhold Süßenbacher is on the supervisory board of Umdasch AG, Dr. Valerie Hackl acts as Managing Director of Austro Control GmbH and Ing. Mag. Wolfgang Wahlmüller is General Director of the Austrian Settlement Association for Non-Profit Housing Corporation.

All members were already part of the Supervisory Board in the previous term of office. As a well-rehearsed team, they will continue to provide strategic support and support to the board of directors, consisting of Ricardo-José Vybiral (CEO) and Hannes Frech (CFO). Together, it is important to maintain the growth path and actively shape the future.

KSV1870 Holding AG controls all organizational units of the KSV1870 Group and is responsible for investment management. Last month the group was featured by the business magazine trend. recognized as a TOP employer. The KSV1870 ranks second in the banking and financial services category in Austria and is eleventh in the overall ranking.

Source: KSV1870